The green pepper is very high in vitamin C . We get the benefit of this vitamin C if we eat fresh, raw peppers. They lose some of this vitamin C when cooked, but if properly steamed, not boiled or cooked over a high flame, we still get a great amount of good from peppers.Green peppers are best eaten raw.
Peppers are classified as a protective food because they contain so many elements that build up resistance. They contain vitamin A , which makes our tissues more resistant, especially to colds and catarrhal infections in the respiratory organs, sinuses, ears, bladder, skin, and digestive tract. Vitamin A also promotes growth and the feeling of well-being. Vitamin B, also found in peppers, aids in food absorption and normalizes the brain and nervous system by increasing metabolic processes. Peppers are high in vitamin C , which is a wonderful health promoter as it wards off acidosis. The vitamin C in peppers compares to that of oranges and grapefruit.
The green pepper is high in silicon, and we need this element in our system to have beautiful hair, skin, nails , and teeth-it might well be called the "beauty element."
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